With the prepayment manage your consumption of electricity!
UNELCO Engie has successfully implemented a prepayment metering system to its customer bases in Tanna, Malekula and most recently conducted a trial of the prepaid metering system for the community at Melemaate village. After receiving positive feedback from the prepaid metering trial and requests from customers within Port Vila, UNELCO is now launching the prepaid meters to the wider concession of Port Vila.
Small domestic customers will now have the choice to install a prepaid meter, either from a new connection or change from the existing post paid meter to prepaid metering. There are no upfront costs and no deposit required.
Customers can choose the amount of electricity they wish to purchase, the first purchase must be a minimum of 300 vatu but subsequent purchases after that can be done as often as you want or need with a minimum purchase of 100 vatu.
Customers simply need to buy credit with their prepaid card, insert it into the prepaid meter and power is available. The meter functions set will flash a warning sign when the meter is running low on credit so you are aware if you want to top up.
There will be no disconnection or reconnection fees and the freedom to purchase electricity and manage your own electricity consumption according to your budget.
Why pick prepaid metering?
- No deposit
- No disconnection or reconnection fees
- Prepayment meter is easy to use
- No deposit
- Choose to purchase electricity when and how much according to your own budget
- Save costs by purchasing credit at nearby resell points
- Monitor own consumption and usage